Purpose: The purpose of this course will be to explore the history and events of the Holocaust, in compliance with the teaching principles established by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Resources will include literature as well as first-person video from survivors of the Holocaust.
Course Details: $150 for the ten week course, $25 discount for families with multiple siblings
Who: Unschoolers, ages 11+, maximum enrollment 14 students.
Where: 18 Highland Ave, Old Orchard Beach
When: October 7 through December 16, Thursday evenings from 6 pm – 7:30 pm, we will not meet on Thanksgiving. Contact Info: Email: alexbradstreet@gmail.com. Please email me in advance if you will miss a class.
Enrollment and Payment: Please register now to let me know if you would like to participate. Course payment is due by October 1, please mail checks to Alex Bradstreet, 18 Highland Ave, Old Orchard Beach, ME 04064. You may also send money using PayPal, using my email address: alexbradstreet@gmail.com.
Required Course Materials: Please read these books! You may purchase them if you wish, or borrow them from a library. These first-person reports of life before, during and after the Holocaust will be a key part of this course. I have split up the reading over the first half of the course, but you may find that you cannot put these down once you start reading them.
1. Maus I by Art Spiegelman, Oct 7- Oct 21
2. Maus II by Art Spiegelman, Oct 28 - Nov 11
3. Night by Elie Weisel, Nov 18 - Dec 9
Safe Learning Environment: This photo shows a pile of shoes outside a gas chamber. This image is chilling, but does not exploit the victim’s memories or assault the viewer’s emotions. In line with the USHMM teaching principles, I will attempt to maintain a safe learning environment for the students as we explore a horrific period of our history, while being respectful of each other and of the victims of the Holocaust.
A mound of victims’ shoes found in Majdanek after the liberation (#13108)
Online Work: We will be using a blog for assignments and to share online resources, as well as giving students the option to share their work. Students with laptops are encouraged to bring them to class. If access to the Internet is not possible at home, please let me know in advance and I will make accommodations for you.
About the Instructor: Alex Bradstreet holds a BA in History from the University of Maine, with a minor concentration in Modern Europe and the Holocaust. Alex taught at a middle school for one year until he decided to pursue a career in technology rather than education. Alex is the father of Adam and Olivia, two unschooling children who have been asking him to offer this course for some time.