Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Next Several Classes

We have finished Maus I for this week's class, and also read materials on historical anti-semitism. We will cover some important history as a backdrop to Art Spiegelman's books, and then pick up with Maus II in a few weeks.

10/21 - World War I and the New European Map

A brief overview of WWI, and Jewish history during that time. Followed by the Great Depression, rise of the Nazi party and how German democracy failed.

10/28 - Prelude to War

Escalating laws and practices against the Jews in Germany and the rise of ghettos. This will catch us up to the end of Maus I.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Course Update

On Thursday we wrapped up our review of conflict resolution, prejudice and discrimination. We concluded the handouts by talking about hate crimes and racial extremism, such as white supremacy. Changing gears we discussed historical of anti-semitism, and how it occurred throughout European history.

Assignment: Finish Maus I

Additional readings for discussion next time:
  • "Religious and Racial Anti-Semitism" by Milton Meltzer
  • "The Things They Say Behind Your Back: Stereotypes about Jews" by William Helmreich
  • "What is A Jew?" by Philip Rosen, PhD
  • "Canonical and Nazi Anti-Jewish Measures" by Raul Hilberg
  • "About The Jew" by Adolph Hitler
  • "Ford and Hitler" by James and Suzanne Pool

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Course Update

On Thursday we met and discussed "The Hangman" by Maurice Ogden. We also watched the video which was a short animation produced in 1964, and which brings the story to life in a very creepy way. Definately recommended for the curious, and part of many middle-school courses on the Holocaust.

The Hangman - Maurice Ogden (1964)

Directed by Les Goldman and Paul Joulian
Narrated by Herschel Bernardi
Music composed and conducted by Serge Hovey

We also reviewed prejudice, stereotyping and conflict-resolution, which is part of the Prentice-Hall "Understanding Prejudice" lesson plan.

Assignment for next week: Start reading Maus I, and be prepared to review the "Conflict Resolution" and "Interrupting Prejudice" worksheets.